Hassan M. Nagib

Mechanical, Materials & Aerospace Engineering Department
Illinois Institute of Technology

B.S. (1968), M.S. (1969), and Ph.D. (1972) Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)
Field of Specialization: All degrees in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Research interests are in fluid mechanics, particularly the areas of hydrodynamic stability, transition of laminar flow to turbulent flow, applied turbulence, mixing of both laminar and turbulent streams, mixing of the two-phase flows, unsteady flows, separated flows, wind engineering and atmospheric diffusion, aeroacoustics, and convection heat transfer, with emphasis on management and control of flows. Application of Information Technology, particularly to areas such as Fluid Dynamics, and Telemedicine.
Professional Experience: Rettaliata Distinguished Professor (Instructor '70-'73, Asst. Professor '73-'75, Assoc. Prof. '75-79, Professor '79-'81)Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering Department, IIT 1970-Present Founding Director of Fluid Dynamics Research Center, IIT 1978-1999 Visiting Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Stanford University 1981 Visiting Professor, Graduate Aeronautical Lab, California Institute of Technology 1982 Chairman of MAE Department, IIT 1985- 1995 Vice President of Main Campus and Dean of Armour College, IIT 1995- 1998 Visiting Professor, Dept. of Mech., KTH (Royal Tech. Inst.), Stockholm, Sweden 1999 Visiting Professor, LSTM, Friedrich-AlexanderUniversity, Erlangen, Germany 1999-2000
Selected Publications:
* H. Nagib, D. Greenblatt, and J. Kiedaisch, I. Wygnanski, and A. Hassan, "Effective Flow Control for Rotorcraft Applications at Flight Mach Numbers," AIAA Paper 2001-2974, 31st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Anaheim, California, 2001.
* D. Greenblatt, J. Kiedaisch, and H. Nagib, "Unsteady-Pressure Corrections in Highly Attenuated Measurements at High Mach Numbers," AIAA Paper 2001-298, 31st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Anaheim, California, 2001.
* M. Hites, H. Nagib, T. Bachar and I. Wygnanski, "Enhanced Performance of Airfoils at Moderate Mach Numbers Using Zero-Mass Flux Pulsed Blowing," AIAA Paper 2001-0734, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, 2001.
* C. Christophorou, H. Nagib, A. Naguib, and D. Fabris, "Array of MEMS-Based Actuators for Excitation of High-Speed Axisymmetric Jets," AIAA Paper 2000-2559, Fluids 2000, Denver Colorado, 2000.
* J.M. Ă–sterlund, A.V. Johansson, H. M. Nagib, and M. H. Hites, A note on the overlap region in turbulent boundary layers, Phys. Fluids, 12, pp. 1 - 4, 2000.
* C. E. Wark and H. M. Nagib, "Experimental investigation of coherent structures in turbulent boundary layers," J. Fluid Mech., 230, pp. 183-208, 1991.
* T. C. Corke, F. Shakib, and H. Nagib, "Mode selection and resonant phase locking in unstable axisymmetric jets," J. Fluid Mech., 223, pp. 253-311, 1991.
* C. E. Wark, A. M. Naguib, and H. M. Nagib, "Effect of flat-plate manipulators on the coherent structures in turbulent boundary layers," AIAA Journal, 28 (11), pp. 1877-1884, 1990.
* R. Drubka, P. Reisenthel, and H. Nagib, "The dynamics of low initial disturbance turbulent jets," Physics of Fluids A, 1 (10), pp. 1723-1735, 1988. Also Invited Paper, First National Congress for Fluid Mechanics, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1988.
* J. Cimbala, H. Nagib, and A. Roshko, "Large structure in far wakes of two-dimensional bluff bodies," J. Fluid Mech., 190, pp. 265-298, 1988.

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