Gerd E. A. Meier
Direktor des Instituts fur Stromungsmechanik
37073 Göttingen
Phone: (0551) 709-2177
Fax: (0551) 709-2889
Professional credentials:
Professor Meier is currently the director of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics at Göttingen. This is the joint institute for experimental and theoretical flow studies of the DLR, the German Aerospace Organization.
From 1964 until 1990 he headed the "Transonic Aerodynamics" group of the Max Planck Institute for Flow Research at Göttingen. Both institutes have been founded by Ludwig Prandtl.
Academic activities:
1956-62: Studies in Physics and Mathematics at University of Göttingen
1962-88: Diploma in Physics (with Professor Tollmein), Doctor of Physics (with Professor E. A. Muller), Habilitation in Applied Mechanics and Flow Physics
1990: Full Professor in Experimental Fluid Mechanics at University of Hannover and Director of the DLR Institute for Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Publications and honours:
Approximately 200 publications, reports, etc. on unsteady and transonic flows, multiphase flows with phase transitions, supersonic and liquid jets, vortex-airfoil interaction, turbulence, and experimental methods.
Prof. Meier has edited three books on various topics in fluid dynamics, chaired and organized more than ten conferences, and is currently co-editor of three scientific journals (Exp. in Fluids, Progr. in Aerospace Sciences, and ASR).
Prof. Meier is also a member of the congress committees of IUTAM and EUROMECH.
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