GALCIT Fluid Mechanics Seminars
Academic Year 1997-98
The Fluid Mechanics seminars are held on Fridays, at 3:00pm during the academic year, in Room 306 of the Firestone Building (#50 on the Caltech Campus Map). In the schedule that follows, the abstract of each talk can be viewed by clicking on the title and a brief biographical note of the speaker can be viewed by clicking on the speaker's name.
First quarter
Friday, 3 October
Chris L. Bond, Caltech
Mixing in high Reynolds number shear layers
Friday, 10 October
L. S. Yao, Arizona State University
A wave theory of viscous flows
Friday, 17 October
Omer Savas, University of California, Berkeley
Dynamics of co-rotating vortex pairs in the wakes
of flapped airfoils
Friday, 24 October
Jeff Greenough, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
A material interface tracking approach for
multi-fluid hydrodynamics
Friday, 31 October
Garry Brown, Princeton University
Progress towards a radiatively-driven hypersonic wind tunnel
Friday, 7 November
Keiko Nomura, University of California, San Diego
The structure and dynamics of vorticity and rate of strain
in incompressible homogeneous turbulence
Friday, 14 November
Charles Meneveau, Johns Hopkins University
Kinetic energy dissipation by subgrid-scale stresses
in turbulent flows
Friday, 21 November
Dietrich Bechert, DLR, Berlin
Biological Surfaces. Laboratory and flight experiments
on drag reduction and separation control
Friday, 28 November
Thanksgiving Recess
Friday, 5 December
Geoff Spedding, University of Southern California
The evolution and decay of initially-turbulent wakes in
a stably-stratified environment
Second quarter
Friday, 9 January
Paul Dimotakis and
Ron Henderson, Caltech
Image Correlation Velocimetry and Direct
Numerical Simulation of the flow around an accelerating NACA-0012
Friday, 16 January
Said Elghobashi, University of California, Irvine
Evolution of flame surface in buoyant and nonbuoyant
turbulent nonpremixed reactions
Friday, 23 January
Jonathan Freund, University of California, Los Angeles
Compressibility effects in
a turbulent annular mixing layer
Friday, 30 January
C. Pozrikidis, University of California, San Diego
Singularities at fluid interfaces
in viscous flow
Friday, 6 February
Roy Gould, Caltech
Collisionless damping and echoes
in fluids
Friday, 13 February
Philip Marcus, University of California, Berkeley
The reverse turbulent cascade and
the creation of Jovian-like zonal flows
Friday, 20 February
Jeff Jacobs, University of Arizona
Two membraneless Richtmyer-Meshkov
instability experiments
Friday, 27 February
Roger Blandford, Caltech
The magnetohydrodynamics of
astrophysical disks, jets, and black holes
Friday, 6 March
Mike Slessor, Caltech
Dynamics and mixing of turbulent
shear-layer flows
Friday, 13 March
C. K. Law, Princeton University
Kinetics and transport in nonpremixed ignition
of hydrogen by heated air
Third quarter
Friday, 3 April
Lawrence Sirovich,
Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
Wall-bounded turbulence and
drag reduction
Friday, 10 April
Richard Klein, University of California, Berkeley
Interaction of supernova shockwaves with
interstellar clouds: from the Nova laser
to the galaxy
Friday, 17 April
Gerd Meier, DLR Göttingen
Unsteady vortex dynamics
Friday, 24 April
Michael Dennin, University of California, Irvine
Spatio-temporal chaos in electroconvection:
attempting to predict the next step
Friday, 1 May
Doug Shiels, Caltech
Bluff-body flow simulation using a viscous
vortex-element method
Friday, 8 May
Jean-Paul Davis, Caltech
High-enthalpy shock/boundary-layer
interaction on a double wedge
Friday, 15 May
Allen Puckett
The GALCIT Supersonic Wind Tunnel
Friday, 22 May
Carl Friehe, University of California, Irvine
Wind and turbulence over ocean waves
Friday, 29 May
Shaun Shariff, Caltech
Numerical simulation of hypersonic
viscous flows with the stepback method
Friday, 6 June
Tony Perry, University of Melbourne
New evolution equations for turbulent
boundary layers in arbitrary pressure gradients