Charles Meneveau, Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD 21218
Ph.D. (1989), Mechanical Engineering Yale University
M.Phil. (1988), Mechanical Engineering Yale University
M.Sc. (1987), Mechanical Engineering Yale University
B.Sc. (1985), Mechanical Engineering Univ. Tecnica F.S.M. Valparaiso, Chile
Theoretical, experimental, and numerical studies in turbulence; subgrid-scale modeling
for large eddy simulations; applications of fractals. Turbulent flows occur in a
wide range of applications and have a large impact on drag, mixing, unsteady loading, etc.
Progress in their efficient calculation is hindered by the existence of a wide
range of excited temporal and spatial scales. An important problem is to model
the small scales for large eddy simulations of turbulent flows. This modeling problem
is addressed experimentally, analytically, and numerically for a variety of canonical
flows, such as high Reynolds number wakes, turbulent jets, and grid turbulence,
as well as for non-canonical flows such as rapidly strained turbulence or complex
flows found in turbomachines. Scaling properties of turbulence are described and
modeled using fractal geometry and multifractal statistical methods.
Current research projects include:
"Turbulence subgrid modeling in complex flows" (National Science Foundation);
"Effects of straining, spectral scrambling,
and rotation between resolved and subgrid scales of turbulence,"
with J. Katz (Office of Naval Research);
"Turbulence and Complex Flow Phenomena in Axial Turbomachines,"
with J. Katz (Air Force Office of Scientific Research).
Meneveau, C., T. Lund, and W. Cabot. "A Lagrangian dynamic subgrid-scale model of turbulence." J. Fluid Mechanics 319(1966):353.
Scotti, A. and C. Meneveau. "Fractal model for coarse-grained nonlinear partial differential equations." Phys. Rev. Lett. 78(1997):867.
Meneveau, C. "Transition between viscous and inertial-range scaling of turbulence structure functions." Phys. Rev. E 54 (1996):3657.
Liu, S., C. Meneveau, and J. Katz. "On the properties of similarity subgrid-scale models as deduced from measurements in a turbulent jet." J. Fluid Mechanics 275(1994):83.
Meneveau, C. and J. O'Neil. "Scaling laws of the dissipation rate of turbulent subgrid-scale kinetic energy." Phys. Rev. E 49 (1994):2866.
Meneveau C. "Statistics of turbulence subgrid-scale stresses: Necessary conditions and experimental tests." Phys. Fluids A 6 (1994):815.
Scotti, A., C. Meneveau, and D. Lilly. "Generalized Smagorinsky model for anisotropic grids." Phys. Fluids A 5 (1993):2306.
Meneveau, C. "Analysis of turbulence in the orthonormal wavelet representation." J. Fluid Mechanics 323(1991):469.
Meneveau, C. and K.R. Sreenivasan. "The multifractal nature of the turbulent energy dissipation." J. Fluid Mechanics 224(1991):429-484.
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